Sr. Developer @easytechgreen

Week of the 03/13/2023 - #11



  • Physically Based Rendering


  • Shor’s algorithm with fewer (pure) qubits

Physically Based Rendering

A frame converted from Beeple's amazing Zero-Day animation

This week I came across the Physically Based Rendering book which is a great free book on writting a physically based renderer (pbr). The book is great and all the source code for the pbr is available online in Github. It’s written in C++. Here are some information:

Shor’s algorithm with fewer (pure) qubits

I found this paper by Christof Zalka on optimizing Shor’s algorithm. This is a problem I worked on while I was an undergraduate student and published in this paper: Factoring in a Dissipative Quantum Computer. I hadn’t seen this paper before and I want to read it to understand how he manages to reduce considerably the number of bits needed to factor a n bit number.